Discover your true vocal self.
I am so glad you are here. We all have a voice inside us waiting to emerge.
Vocal Self is a sacred healing space that gently guides you to your deepest Truths. These emerge from Beingness which has been calling for you your whole life. Once you open to it, you discover a freedom that is organic, deeply satisfying, and meaningful.
This is where true joy lives!
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Books from Vocal Self
Buds, Petals and Blooms
An inspirational book using photos and quotes created as a metaphor for anyone going through transition and growth in their life.
Vocal Self Training Manual
A client workbook designed to accompany the service, guidance and support of a speech and language pathologist.
Transforming Voice and Communication with Transgender
and Gender-Diverse People
Our latest book explores the transformative nature of vocal discovery in the lives of transgender gender-diverse people.