

Breath is Life. Allow it to flow unencumbered. Learn to use your own breath to maximize your healing work, for spiritual development, for grounding and relaxation, and as a form of support for expressing your truth as a formidable stability in the eye of the storm of daily living.

“Every breath is a sacrament, an affirmation of our connection with all other living things, a renewal of our link with our ancestors and a contribution to generations yet to come. Our breath is a part of life's breath, the ocean of air that envelopes the earth.” David Suzuki, environmentalist, geneticist, The Sacred Balance: Rediscovering Our Place in Nature, 2007.


Private BreathWork

BreathWork is gentle and transformative.

BreathWork for grounding, meditation, stress management, healing and spiritual development is integrated into any and all healing modalities as guided during channeled healing sessions.

BreathWork for voice development can help clear personal blocks and fears that have been holding you back from speaking your truth and enhances vocal power, clarity, endurance and stabilization of your vocal expression in all communicative contexts of life.

BreathWork for its own sake assists many by:

  • Boosting vocal control and efficiency in speech and song

  • Enhancing well-being

  • Reducing symptoms of asthma, bronchitis and related chest pain

  • Increasing oxygen to the heart, brain and eyes

  • Reducing generalized anxiety and stress


Group BreathWork

BreathWork for vocal development support is also provided in small groups with a maximum of three other participants.  

This model allows you to share your experience and practice with others going through the same process.


Voice Print

Like a fingerprint, a voice print is a visual representation for your Vocal Self which can be read as a blueprint to your soul’s journey in this lifetime.