Spiritual Counseling


This is a time of great change for all of us. Each phase of life creates growth and transition to new life paths. Discover meaning and purpose in your life experience through spiritual readings and counseling. You may have questions, seek meaning or feel uncertain about stepping forward.  

Arising emotional experiences are actually showing us the way. Unblock restrictions, release biases and liberate limiting beliefs that prevent you from living your fullest life. When we attend to our emotions, awareness becomes heightened and helps us expand. Greater awareness leads to surprising insights, deeper understanding and clarity of vision.

When you open the heart and mind to a different perspective, you awaken the soul to higher level thinking and greater possibility. You realize that there is nothing to attain, because you wake up to the light that you already are.

When in an altered state, your spirit guide’s unique message comes forward to help you address your deepest concerns and questions. The more open you are to receiving, the freer your guides and inspirers are to deliver guidance, personal messages and support to you.


Practical Mindfulness

Increase awareness of Being and learn that the meaning of life is not about the outside world. The outside world is here to show us our inner one. Allow life to show you the way. The journey to ourselves is a sacred passage whose time has come to be experiences.